Make AI based Smart Credit Decisions
Indian banking sector has seen unprecedented levels of Non-Performing Assets in recent years. This has significantly affected the ability of the banks to lend. Industries in India suffer due to non-availability of credit at the time of need. A recent survey from CII, indicated that the biggest problem hindering the growth of MSMEs in India is the availability of credit at the time of need. Banks are extremely risk averse and tend to take inordinate time in scrutinizing credit applications from borrowers. As they say, if the bank decides to lend next month, instead of this month, SMEs would have lost the business opportunity. As per RBI provisional data on global operations, as on 31.3.2019, the aggregate amount of gross NPAs of PSBs and Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) were Rs. 8,06,412 crore and Rs. 9,49,279 crore respectively. Close to half of the Nationalized Banks and Co-operative Banks have NPAs exceeding 10%. This is not a healthy situation for financial instituti...